Lisa Maldonado
Lisa Maldonado is a Labor Representative for the California Nurses Association/NNU working with nurses at Kaiser San Rafael and Kaiser Santa Rosa fighting for Healthcare for All and safe patient care and working conditions.
She was previously the Executive Director of the North Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO where she directed the coordinated efforts of local unions in Marin, Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake County to work collectively on mobilizing workers on legislative, political and issue campaigns that affect working families.
Lisa is an attorney and has previously worked as Field Director of the ACLU of Northern California where she coordinated field campaigns on issues such as racial profiling, the death penalty, marriage equality and immigrant’s rights. She has previously served as a Campaign Coordinator for the California Faculty Association and the Political Director of the San Mateo Central Labor Council
Lisa is currently on the Board of Directors for the Graton Day Labor Center and Imaginists Theatre. She has a degree in Political Science from San Francisco State University and a JD from the University of San Francisco Law School